Fiat 500L 0.9 Twinair Living 7P 2016 Wit (NEW APK)

10.450, EUR

2016 model Fiat 500L Living.
Apk was made on 22.01.2024 and valid for one year (APK tot January/2025).
5 seats car.
Manual transmission.
It has been maintained in the last month. Battery was renewed. The interior and exterior condition of the vehicle is very good. No smoking in the car.
There is only a small mark on the right back, which you can see in the photos.
Tires are in good condition.
Economical and large family car.
You can send a message for your questions and to make an.

Locatie: Noord-Holland - Purmerend

Toegevoegd op 10 dagen geleden en vervalt op 6 July
Advertentie id: 1806846
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